
Village of Mafekhabl in the winter (video)

In 2024, housing construction in Kabardino-Balkaria increased by 9.2%

Prices of agricultural land in Maykop region - Republic of Adygea

Foreign citizens can purchase real estate in the Russian Federation

In Adygea, more than 3.6 thousand apartments were put into operation in 2024

Within 4 months - increase in prices of new apartments in Maykop - decrease in Nalchik and Cherkessk

Apartment prices in: Cologne (Germany) Duzce (Turkey) Baksan (Circassian homeland)

The North Caucasus has become the leader in housing rates in the Russian Federation

The most expensive houses in Sochi

The most expensive houses in Nalchik - the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria

The most expensive houses in Maykop - the capital of Adygea

Apartment prices in the cities: Maykop, Krasnodar, Tuapse, Sochi

The most expensive cities in the world in terms of real estate prices

Prices of commercial real estate in the city of Cherkesk

Lago-Naki mountain plateau - Republic of Adygea

Prices of commercial real estate in the city of Nalchik

Prices of commercial houses and offices in the city of Maykop

Investment projects worth $903 million are being implemented in Adygea

Prices of new apartments in the capital cities: Maykop, Cherkessk, Nalchik

The Circassian village of Panezhukay (Adygea) - prices of land for construction