Apartment prices (second hand) in Maykop - the capital city of the Republic of Adygea


According to a calculation we made of one hundred apartments (second hand) in the city of Maykop and which were offered for sale on the Avito website, the average price for one square meter was 93 thousand rubles ($1049).

The highest price of one of the apartments offered for sale in this category was 130 thousand rubles per one square meter, the lowest price of one of the apartments was 65 thousand rubles per square meter. The big difference between the highest price and the lowest price stems from several reasons: the location of the apartment, when the apartment was built, the level of renovation in the apartment, the division plan of the apartment and more.

These prices were updated on November 29, 2023, the price of one dollar on that date was 88.6 rubles.
